A white woman, a black woman and a hijabi walk into a …

Which of these women is most likely to get a place at a prestigious university without needing to change her name, or apply for a job knowing there won’t be any discrimination? Which of them is disproportionately discriminated against in hospitals with one 3.7 times more likely to die in childbirth because racism is systemic and many still believe that some bodies feel less pain than others due to their colour!

Mass Graves and Dispersed Humanity

Its estimated around 1.3 million Palestinians have fled to Rafah, the southern most city in Gaza. Its original population was around 280,000. Its now a sea of tents housing a displaced population. The water and electricity have long been cut off and this tiny area, approximately 25 square miles, is now home to more than half of the total population of Gaza. According to Amnesty, over 1.5 million people trapped in Rafah have nowhere safe to go, and many have already been displaced multiple times. All of the Israeli supposed-safe spaces have been compromised, without exception, further proof that there was never truly anywhere safe in Gaza.

Borders, The Nation State and Palestine

The creation of the nation state is almost entirely an artificial construct. Creating a state that is moulded together into a single entity encouraged to share a national identity has not only been a violent process but one that was born from colonialism and one that continues to benefit colonial interests. If we look at any of the wars taking place across the globe in recent times, (Sudan, Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq) all of them have to do with borders that were imposed on them by imperial powers. Iraq is an example of how the British carved out a country with their own interests in mind and no consideration for the people of the region. The three main ethnic groups, The Kurds, the Sunnis and the Shias, were divided in such a way that certain sects were given power over others therefore ensuring regional tensions and disharmony.